Democracy Fest 2024 with Jeff Furman and Rev. Ken Clarke [AUDIO]

The second annual Democracy Fest will be held in Ithaca on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Organizers Jeff Furman of Rejoice the Vote and the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, and Rev. Ken Clarke of the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights join host Felix Teitelbaum to talk about this celebration and commemoration of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

People will assemble at the statue of Martin Luther King Jr on the Ithaca Commons at 5:30 and the proceed to arrive at Southside Community Center by 6pm.

Music by the Dorothy Cotton Singers, SingTrece, and Cavalry Baptist Church Singers. There will be free Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and a few key speakers.

The event is non partisan. All are welcome. Organizers include the Tompkins County Human Rights Commission, the Dorothy Cotton Institute, The League of Women Voters, and Rejoice The Vote.

Photo: Provided. Left to Right: Rev. Ken Clarke, Chavon Bunch (Southside Community Center), Jeff Furman.