Having Trouble Hearing Us?
If you're in the area, you can listen anytime at 88.1FM in Ithaca or 89.7 FM across the southern Finger Lakes. (Our Watkins Glen frequency, 91.9 FM, is currently off the air.)
To listen online, first try our super convenient popup player. You can find a link to launch that player in the menu on every page of this site. If that fails, make sure you have popups enabled and any ad-blocking service disabled for WRFI.ORG. And don't worry, just like our radio station, this site is ad-free!
You can also tell your Alexa device to "play WRFI" or "play WRFI Community Radio."
We are available on TuneIn. However, we recommend other services as TuneIn inserts advertisements into our programming—and we're commercial free!
If you're still having trouble you can listen (albeit in a no-frills environment) in any web browser with this link.
If you're still having trouble listening, please get in touch! We're more than happy to help you find a way to listen that works for you!