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Knowing Dan Klein – June 15th, 2015

By WRFI News Staff

Samuel Whitehead and Aryeal Jackson speak with Tompkins County 7th District Legislator Dan Klein about banning fracking waste, the New Year’s standoff in Danby, and the state of the West Danby vanpool.   This interview originally aired on the June 15th,2015  edition of WRFI Community Radio News.

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Art for Social Activism – Kim Fraczek and Caleb Thomas – June 12th, 2015

By WRFI News Staff

Faith Meckley and Emma Rizzo speak with Kim Fraczek of the Sane Energy Project and Caleb Thomas of the Ithaca Public Art Commission about how they use their art work to provoke social change.

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The Village of Cayuga Heights Turns 100 – June 10th, 2015

By WRFI News Staff

Lori Sonken and Charles Dunaway speak with Carole Schiffman and Bea Szekeley of the Cayuga Heights History Project about the 100th Anniversary of the Village of Cayuga Heights. The interview originally aired on the June 10th, 2015 edition of WRFI Community Radio News.

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Keeping Ithaca development local – June 8th, 2015

By WRFI News Staff

Aryeal Jackson and Dan Apfel speak with Stacey Black, the business development coordinator for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 241, about the issue of contracting construction crews from outside of Ithaca and keeping the city’s development jobs local. This interview originally aired on the June 8th, 2015 edition of WRFI Community Radio News.

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